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Older Two's Inquirers

Thursday and Friday

8:45 -11:15am

Age: 3 years old by February 28, 2026

WPSN’s program for older 2 year olds (age 3 by February 28) is called “Inquirers” because asking “why?” is a key hallmark of this age group.  At this age, most children start to become active observers and questioners of everything around them.  The WPSN Older 2's Inquirers class is designed to maximize this innate curiosity to nurture the key developmental milestones of this age group.


This begins with the start of the school year.  At WPSN we are acutely aware of the importance of a successful beginning at preschool. For this reason we start each school year with a home visit by both teachers to allow children to meet us first in a familiar and safe environment. Our gentle separation process allows for school visits, a near-by parent, if needed, and respects individual differences among children.

Great emphasis during this year is on developing key milestone skills and development points for this age group, including social and emotional, language, fine and gross motor, self-help, and self-regulation.  Through play, children learn how to interact with their peers, how to take turns, how to share, and expand their emerging language skills.  They develop both fine and gross motor skills through classroom activities and our incredible outdoor space.  WPSN teachers provide a gentle introduction to self-help skills such as serving your own snack and putting on your own jacket, all with adult support and encouragement.  Classroom and outdoor activities also incorporate sensory play which supports children’s ability to self-regulate their behavior.

While exploring the carefully planned environment designed to promote experience with science, music, movement, art, literature, imaginative and physical play we help children enter into play with each other, gradually building relationships and friendships.  It is in these well-guided play experiences that children test ideas, emotions, try out different social roles, and develop a love of learning.

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