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Junior Kindergarten Relators



Monday - Friday

8:45 - 11:15am


Age: 4 years by September 1, 2025




Monday - Thursday 

12:00 - 3:00pm


Age: 4 years by September 1, 2025

WPSN’s program for Junior Kindergarten is called “Relators” because by age four, most children have, or are very ready to make, friends. Working out the intricacies of friendship, as in what to do when “my friend wants to play with someone else!” becomes a focus of the JK year. With sensitive, professional teachers to support this growing understanding, children try on new roles and learn how to assert feelings and desires in positive ways.  The WPSN JK Relators class is designed to maximize these life-long interpersonal skills which begin in the preschool community.

Curriculum in the JK program is wonderfully varied, as children come with so many ideas about how to approach a problem or a subject. By four they are able to make and articulate their theories, to challenge another’s ideas, even to modify their own ideas. Emphasis on small and large group process leads to rich and wide-ranging project work.


Examples of recent JK studies include:

  • A nature museum

  • An office “addition” for the classroom

  • Building a working robot

  • Creating a giant “garden” mural

  • A study of narrative and illustration, with personal picture books and shared story acting


Long and short term studies are but one part of the curriculum which also includes opportunities for children to create and express ideas, sing, move, write, draw, build, paint, and experiment with science, reading, mathematic and sensory materials.

By focusing on fundamental education skills such as persistence, collaboration, curiosity, theory building and testing, we know that WPSN children are truly ready for the next phase of their educational journey.

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Winnetka IL 60093

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